Welcome to

Florida Water Gardens

by FWG Design LLC

Florida Water Gardens by FWG Design LLC

We give attention and careful consideration to every detail before, during and after construction and installation. Whether it’s selecting the correct water feature, the brand, size and type of filtration system or the proper size and location for your water garden pond feature, we scrutinize every possible combination of designs before making any recommendations to you.

We are also happy to help homeowners that want to get their own hands dirty and handle pond installation on their own. DO-IT-YOURSELF customers are ALWAYS welcome to bring their ideas and projects to us where we will walk them through all aspects of the project. We also encourage you to attend one of our Educational Pond Water Garden Building Seminars.

Whether we handle your pond installation or you do it yourself, you can always turn to us for reliable pond maintenance and repair services to keep your water features performing as they should. By offering both on-line and in-store technical support, we can often guide you through resolving smaller issues without the need for a visit, and we do recommend ongoing maintenance whether we do it for you or you do it yourself.

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Services We Offer

We offer full aquatic services, including pond design, pond installation, pond maintenance & repairs and related supplies.

Pond Design

The greatest achievements start with imagination and a detailed plan.

Pond Installation

Our attention to detail results in a well-executed installation of your water feature.

Pond Maintenance

We have the expertise to keep your pond looking its best.

Enhance Your Lifestyle

We are nationally recognized by the water garden & koi pond industry as one of the country’s premier water feature, design & build, pond construction companies. We have four facilities specializing in pond design & pond construction that offer full aquatic services throughout the Greater Orlando, Florida metropolitan area, including pond design, pond installation, pond maintenance & repairs, and pond supplies.